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Bad Code

C Projects

GitHub repo Description This application was made for a professor in IT d...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste


C Projects

CXML GitHub repo INTRODUCTION RAPPEL DU SUJET Pour recontextualiser, le lancement...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste


C Projects

GitHub repo It's CODEC, but in C Description This application is G4C...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste


Docker images

Docker Hub Github Fast, disk space efficient package manager: Fast. Up to 2x faster than the al...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste

MyGes Planning Sync Google Calendar


GitHub repo LE PROJET N'EST PLUS MAINTENU. Cette fonctionnalité sera intégrée et maintenu au sei...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste

Micro langage


Micro language en python avec ply GitHub repo Fonctionnalités Calcul de base, print cmd > print((...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste


Security Projects

GitHub repo Description This application is G4C Matrix encryption program developed in Ja...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste



Architecture Installation Standalone Install Portainer with Docker on Linux docker volume...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste


Go Gin Framework

Dans le cadre de cette explication, j’utiliserais l’IDE Goland, donc il se peut que certaines cho...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste


Docker images

Docker Projeqtor GitHub repo This docker image provides a Projeqtor container with LDAP support...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste


Docker images

GitHub repo This docker image provides a PufferPanel container. It has been tested to run Minecra...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste

Intégration continue dans un environnement cloud avec Gitea

DevOps Projects

Introduction Slides de Présentation L'objectif de ce projet était de monter un stack d'intégrati...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste


Clean Code Projects

GitHub repo Subject User Story 1 The input format created by the machine is as follows: _ _ ...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste


Clean Code Projects

GitHub repo Créer un outil qui permette de générer le WizBakTop pour un nombre donné en ligne de ...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste

Args Parser

Clean Code Projects

GitHub repo Nous avons tous plus ou moins déjà été amenés à parser des arguments en entrée d'un p...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste

State machine TD

AI Projects

GitHub repo Instruction Il est obligatoire de prendre un langage orienté objet, mais vous pouvez...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste

Game of life

Behavior Driven Development Projects

GitHub repo Rules of life Based on Wikipedia: Conway's Game of Life: Rules The universe of t...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste

Trade Me

API Projects

GitHub repo Main status ...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste


API Projects

GitHub repo SanaZoo is a very popular zoo ! First created in C with XML files, it is now develop...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste

Installation de docker

Docker Introduction & Installation

Get Docker curl -fsSL -o sh Linux / WSL Insta...

Updated 2 years ago by Noé Larrieu-Lacoste