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Welcome on my Wiki

I'm Noé Larrieu-Lacoste, A passionate project leader, DevOps and developper from France 🚀

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  • 🔭You can check all of my work at

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Software Structure and Design, Go and Kubernetes

  • ❓ Ask me about Docker 🐳

  • ⚡ Fun fact I became passionate about computers by helping my grandparents to copy their tapes to computers

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Theres is currently 3 shelves :

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My Skill Set


React Bootstrap CSS3 HTML5 JavaScript TypeScript Chart.js Node.js Vue.js Figma Angular Redux Android Latex


TypeScript PHP Node.js Linux Nginx Python Express.js Git Bash Oracle Kotlin Maria DB NestJS Go PostgreSQL Raspberry Pi InfluxDB Laravel MySQL C Java Spring


AWS GCP Kubernetes Linux Git Bash Ansible Docker Jenkins Grafana GitLab

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